수업 커리큘럼
<IB English Language and Literature SL>
Unit 1: Paper 1
Class 1: Introduction to English as an object of linguistic analysis
Class 2: How to structure a Paper 1 essay: finding points and writing intelligently
Class 3: How to structure a Paper 1 essay: developing points and forming a coherent argument
Class 4: Past-paper practice
Unit 2: Paper 2
Class 1: Introduction to English as an object of literary study
Class 2, 3, 4: Study of Primary texts (may take 2-3 weeks) : identification of key themes and techniques
Class 5: Analyzing Primary Texts: Understanding context
Class 6: Past Paper Practice
Unit. 3: Oral examinations
Class 1: IOC preparation: what IOC is
Class 3: Planning a timed reply- speed-analysis
Class 5: Delivering a timed reply- confidence, gestures and coherence
Class 6: Answering questions – spontaneous answering skills
Class 7: Practice
Class 8: Other oral activities (may be taken in or out)