수업 진행
- 그룹 스터디는 2시간 수업 및 1시간 시험으로 진행 됩니다. (수업료는 2시간)
- 매 수업 이 후 시험을 보고, 시험을 본 뒤 그루미 TA가 채점을 하여 학생들에게 전달을 합니다.
- 전달 때 제가 촬영한 video solution 이 같이 보내지게 됩니다.
- 수업 curriculum 내용은 다음과 같습니다: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17jow1V4DRwZorfEqCZJ7LiHjvzadyDes
수업 교재
Haese Publication
Oxford Publication
Cambridge Publication
IBID Publication
Pearson Publication
수업날짜 |
수업 내용 |
Lesson 1 |
Function & Equations: Mastering Sketching to solve equations and Inequalities |
Lesson 2 |
Sequence and Series, BInomial Expansion, Proof by Induction (I) : Discrete properties of Mathematics. |
Lesson 3 |
Trigonometry: Measuring sector area of every circular shape and solving equations with advanced identities |
Lesson 4 |
Calculus I: DIfferentiation. How to differentiate all types of functions and its applications to analyze shapes, related rates and optimization |
Lesson 5 |
Calculus II: Integration. How to distinguish a method to integrate for certain functions. Learning the application of integration with area, volume and kinematics |
Lesson 6 |
Complex I: Learning 3 different forms of complex to work out coordinates and exact angles Induction II: How to apply induction for fields of calculus, trigonometry and complex |
Lesson 7 |
Complex II: Proving and Applying De Moirvre’s Theorem for angles, values and integration. Roots of unity with the sum and product of roots, as well as Fundamental Theorem of Algebra |
Lesson 8 |
Vector: Learning Lines and Planes, Measuring angles and distances. How to create a vector equations with given information, application with kinematics |
Lesso 9 |
Probability: 7 Essential Laws of probability and proving independence. Conditional probability as well as Bayes THeorem |
Lesson 10 |
Statistics: Distinguishing Discrete and Continuous Random Variables, learning statistics parametres such as Expected Value and Variance. Learning key distributions as well combining them together. |
토픽 소개영상
Topic 1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsjBBv_PS6oG1XbVCnOPoGFGpH_DraDBC
Topic 2: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsjBBv_PS6oHZrag13GcMwlzF1xkKT0jL
Topic 3: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsjBBv_PS6oHqIxKWyIxxTTy_9Yj-Iv_K
Topic 4: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsjBBv_PS6oEvnRbVBtYCXL_0SJKF2gBq
Topic 5 (Probability): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsjBBv_PS6oEvnRbVBtYCXL_0SJKF2gBq
Topic 5: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsjBBv_PS6oGgB7DwmSs3PPD2m0K7GHTt Topic 6: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsjBBv_PS6oFQ05anxeaxQGNfhFpT25pB
*Detailed curriculum is written by the following link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=17jow1V4DRwZorfEqCZJ7LiHjvzadyDes Please visit and state the contents you want to cover.