IB 수학 겨울특강

Outcome : Students will be able to obtain strong understanding on IB mathematics,By exclusively going through some of exam questions during class as well as the test hour after class, students will be prepared for their school test as well as for the May exam,Extensive use of calculator will be taught during class, starting from how to sketch well to applying N-solver., 참여가능 학생수 : 4 시간표 :
위치 : 교대 토즈
기간 : 2017-12-18 2018-1-6
참여금액 :

수업 진행

- 그룹 스터디는 2시간 수업 및 1시간 시험으로 진행 됩니다. (수업료는 2시간)

- 매 수업 이 후 시험을 보고, 시험을 본 뒤 그루미 TA가 채점을 하여 학생들에게 전달을 합니다.

- 전달 때 제가 촬영한 video solution 이 같이 보내지게 됩니다.

- 수업 curriculum 내용은 다음과 같습니다: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/17jow1V4DRwZorfEqCZJ7LiHjvzadyDes

수업 교재

Haese Publication

Oxford Publication

Cambridge Publication

IBID Publication

Pearson Publication



수업 내용

Lesson 1

Function & Equations: Mastering Sketching to solve equations and Inequalities

Lesson 2

Sequence and Series, BInomial Expansion, Proof by Induction (I) : Discrete properties of Mathematics.

Lesson 3

Trigonometry: Measuring sector area of every circular shape and solving equations with advanced identities

Lesson 4

Calculus I: DIfferentiation. How to differentiate all types of functions and its applications to analyze shapes, related rates and optimization

Lesson 5

Calculus II: Integration. How to distinguish a method to integrate for certain functions. Learning the application of integration with area, volume and kinematics

Lesson 6

Complex I: Learning 3 different forms of complex to work out coordinates and exact angles

Induction II: How to apply induction for fields of calculus, trigonometry and complex

Lesson 7

Complex II: Proving and Applying De Moirvre’s Theorem for angles, values and integration. Roots of unity with the sum and product of roots, as well as Fundamental Theorem of Algebra

Lesson 8

Vector: Learning Lines and Planes, Measuring angles and distances. How to create a vector equations with given information, application with kinematics

Lesso 9

Probability: 7 Essential Laws of probability and proving independence. Conditional probability as well as Bayes THeorem

Lesson 10

Statistics: Distinguishing Discrete and Continuous Random Variables, learning statistics parametres such as Expected Value and Variance. Learning key distributions as well combining them together.


토픽 소개영상

Topic 1: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsjBBv_PS6oG1XbVCnOPoGFGpH_DraDBC 

Topic 2: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsjBBv_PS6oHZrag13GcMwlzF1xkKT0jL  

Topic 3: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsjBBv_PS6oHqIxKWyIxxTTy_9Yj-Iv_K 

Topic 4: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsjBBv_PS6oEvnRbVBtYCXL_0SJKF2gBq

Topic 5 (Probability): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsjBBv_PS6oEvnRbVBtYCXL_0SJKF2gBq 

Topic 5: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsjBBv_PS6oGgB7DwmSs3PPD2m0K7GHTt  Topic 6: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsjBBv_PS6oFQ05anxeaxQGNfhFpT25pB



*Detailed curriculum is written by the following link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=17jow1V4DRwZorfEqCZJ7LiHjvzadyDes Please visit and state the contents you want to cover.

선생님 :
IB 화학 온라인/면대면@역삼역 수업을 전문적으로 진행하고 있습니다. 출판 예정인 그루미 IB 화학 노트/문제집으로 수업을 진행합니다. 학생이 열심히 하기만 하면 성적 향상 드릴 수 있습니다.