IB 심리 여름 특강

Outcome : 중요한 커리큘럼에 대해 알고 이해합니다.,옵션을 알고 이해합니다.,Paper 3를 작성하는 목적과 방법을 이해합니다. (HL 학생들에게만 적용됨),시험 문제(SAQ와 ERQ)를 간결하고 효과적인 쪽으로 구성하는 방법을 이해합니다. 참여가능 학생수 : 0 시간표 :
위치 : 강남 스터디룸
기간 : 2018-6-25 2018-8-3
참여금액 :

수업 교재/ Teaching materials

IB Psychology Study Guide: Oxford IB Diploma Programme - Alex Popov


(첫 수업) 준비물 (개인 학용품 제외)

-Notebook to write notes in





-Introduction to IB psychology (discussing quantitative research)

-Critical thinking in psychology

Biological approach: The brain and behavior


-Localisation and plasticity

Biological approach: The brain and behavior




Biological approach: Genetics and behavior

-Methodology in genetic research

-Epigenetics and depression

Biological approach: Genetics and behavior

Animal research


Cognitive approach: Cognitive processing

-Schema theory

-Multi-store memory model

-Working memory model

-Thinking and decision making

Cognitive approach: Reliability of cognitive processes

-Reconstructive memory

-Emotion and memory

-Biases in thinking and decision making

Paper 2 Option: Developmental Psychology or Social Relationships


Cognitive approach:

Reliability of cognitive process

-Emotion and decision making

The digital world

-Memory in the digital world

-Technology and thinking

Sociocultural approach: The individual and the group

-Methodology in sociocultural

-Social Identity Theory

-Social Cognitive Theory


Paper 2 Option: Developmental Psychology or Social Relationships


Sociocultural approach: Culture, behavior, and cognition

-Cultural dimensions

-Culture and cognition

-Culture and identity

Globalization and identity

-Globalization and attitudes

-Globalization and behavior


-SAQ and ERQ practice for biological, cognitive, and sociocultural approach


Paper 3 Understanding case studies and interviews


Abnormal Psychology: Diagnosis

-Classification systems

-Validity and reliability

-Factors influencing Diagnosis

-Ethics in diagnosis

Abnormal Psychology: Etiologies of disorders

-Biological approach to depression

-Cognitive approach to depression

-Sociocultural approach to depression

Paper 3 Understanding observations and practicing unseen passages


Abnormal Psychology: Treatment of disorders

-Depression Biomedical treatment

-Depression Psychological treatments

-Culture and therapy

-Effectiveness of therapy

-ERQ practice for abnormal psychology

-Questions and answers

-ERQ practice for paper 2

-Questions and answers

선생님 : 한성민