수업 교재/ Teaching materials
IB Psychology Study Guide: Oxford IB Diploma Programme - Alex Popov
(첫 수업) 준비물 (개인 학용품 제외)
-Notebook to write notes in
월 |
수 |
금 |
6.25~6.29 |
-Introduction to IB psychology (discussing quantitative research) -Critical thinking in psychology Biological approach: The brain and behavior -Methodology -Localisation and plasticity |
Biological approach: The brain and behavior -Neurotransmission -Hormones -Pheromones Biological approach: Genetics and behavior -Methodology in genetic research -Epigenetics and depression |
Biological approach: Genetics and behavior Animal research |
7.02~7.06 |
Cognitive approach: Cognitive processing -Schema theory -Multi-store memory model -Working memory model -Thinking and decision making |
Cognitive approach: Reliability of cognitive processes -Reconstructive memory -Emotion and memory -Biases in thinking and decision making |
Paper 2 Option: Developmental Psychology or Social Relationships |
7.09~7.13 |
Cognitive approach: Reliability of cognitive process -Emotion and decision making The digital world -Memory in the digital world -Technology and thinking |
Sociocultural approach: The individual and the group -Methodology in sociocultural -Social Identity Theory -Social Cognitive Theory -Stereotyping |
Paper 2 Option: Developmental Psychology or Social Relationships |
7.16~7.20 |
Sociocultural approach: Culture, behavior, and cognition -Cultural dimensions -Culture and cognition -Culture and identity Globalization and identity -Globalization and attitudes -Globalization and behavior |
Review -SAQ and ERQ practice for biological, cognitive, and sociocultural approach |
Paper 3 Understanding case studies and interviews |
7.23~7.27 |
Abnormal Psychology: Diagnosis -Classification systems -Validity and reliability -Factors influencing Diagnosis -Ethics in diagnosis |
Abnormal Psychology: Etiologies of disorders -Biological approach to depression -Cognitive approach to depression -Sociocultural approach to depression |
Paper 3 Understanding observations and practicing unseen passages |
7.30~8.03 |
Abnormal Psychology: Treatment of disorders -Depression Biomedical treatment -Depression Psychological treatments -Culture and therapy -Effectiveness of therapy |
-ERQ practice for abnormal psychology -Questions and answers |
-ERQ practice for paper 2 -Questions and answers |