영국화학 경시대회 수업

Outcome : RSC는 단순암기보다는 스스로 생각을하며 적용을 해야하는 문제가 많아서 그 부분을 집중적으로 다루겠습니다.,RSC에서 자주 나오는 단원들을 집중적으로 공략하겠습니다.,RSC에서 나오는 어려운 단원들 집중 공략., 참여가능 학생수 : 3 시간표 : 화, 목, 토 오후 4시~6시
위치 : 그루미 스터디룸
기간 : 2018-7-10 2018-8-12
참여금액 :

-     시험은 2시간동안 5문제를 풉니다. 그중에 하나는 organic synthesis에 관한 문제입니다. Answer 5 long questions, which include 1 organic scheme.


-       수업은 2011이후로 나온 기출문제 위주로 진행을 할겁니다. 이전 기출문제들는 2019년  시험이랑 다른 방식으로 나온 관계로, 2005-2010 기출문제들중에서 학생들한테 도움되는 문제들만 골라서 다룰 예정입니다.

Past papers from 2011 onwards had this format and so, we will be focusing on these papers.   However, I will also compile the more challenging and relevant questions from 2005-2010 and we will go over these questions as well.


-       C3L6에 나오는 기출문제도 함께 다룰 예정입니다.

Mixing with C3L6 questions.

When we compare the topics that come up frequently in the Olympiad to topics in the A-level/IB syllabus:


Topics that frequently come up

Topics that generally do not come up

Organic Chemistry

  • Stereoisomerism*

  • Reaction Pathways*



  • Bond Angle

  • Drawing shapes


Analytical techniques (IR, MS, NMR) *



  • Enthalpy changes

  • Hess’ law and enthalpy cycles

  • Entropy





The periodic table



  • Ionic bonding

  • Covalent bonding

  • Metallic bonding


Electron structure


*The more difficult topics that we will have a greater focus on.


올림피아드에 자주 나오는 단원들이 보통 2nd term 와 A2때 배우는 관계로 여름 수업은 선행위주로 진행을 하겠습니다. 1st term때 배우는 단원들은 비교적으로 간단하게 다루겠습니다. 예: stoichiometry, atomic structure and basic calculations.


The summer curriculum involves looking at topics which students will not have yet covered, as the Olympiad involves questions which are more focused on topics that are taught in school after the 2nd term and during A2. We will only lightly touch upon tocis that are covered during the 1st term such as stoichiometry, atomic structure and basic calculations.


We will go through homework at the beginning of the class that is run one after the next.

E.g. Homework set on 7/10 will be looked at at the beginning of the class on the 7/14.






Introduction to RSC

-       Go over the level test briefly

-       Highlight the common question types that come up

-       Highlight the topics that commonly come up


Bonding and molecular shapes; isomers

-       3D representation

-       Optical isomerism

-       Stereoisomerism; chiral centres

-       Bond angles and shapes

-       The shapes of simple molecules and ions

Bonding and molecular shapes; isomers Qs



-       Amount of substance; mole, determination of formulae, calculation of reacting masses, gas volumes and mole concentrations, percentage yields and atom economy

-       Titration calculations


Calculation Qs


Organic synthesis

-       Alkanes

-       Alkenes

-       Alcohols

-       Haloalkanes

Organic synthesis Qs


Organic synthesis

-       Integrating the various different pathways

-       Going through questions done for preparatory work, as well as new ones

Organic synthesis Qs



-      Hess’ law and enthalpy cycles

-      Enthalpy changes

-      Entropy

-      Gibbs’ free energy

Thermodynamics Qs


Forming and balancing equations; nomenclature

-       Oxidation numbers

-       Formulae and equations

-       Redox reactions

Unit cells

Forming and balancing equations; nomenclature Qs


Challenging topics:

-       Acid/bases; acid dissociation constant

-       NMR spectrum

-       IR spectrum

-       Mass spectrum

2018 Paper


2018 Paper

Main concepts:

-       Electrode potentials

-       Thermodynamics

-       Organic synthesis

-       Calculations

2017 Paper


2017 Paper

Main concepts:

-       Acids and bases

-       Calculations

-       Unit cell

-       13C NMR Spectrum

2016 Paper


2016 Paper

Main concepts:

-       Thermodynamics

-       Formulating and balancing      equations

-       Organic synthesis

2015 Paper


2015 Paper

Main concepts:

-       IR Spectrum

-       Isomers

-       Calculations

-       Organic synthesis

2014 Paper


2014 Paper

Main concepts:

-       13C and 1H NMR spectrum and IR spectrum

-       Unit cell

-       Thermodynamics

2013 Paper


2013 Paper

Main concepts:

-       Qualitative analysis

-       pH and amino acids

-       Titration calculations

2012 Paper


2012 Paper

Main concepts:

-       Organic synthesis

-       Rate of reactions

-       Drawing structures

2011 Paper


2011 Paper

Main concepts:

-       Spectroscopy

-       Organic synthesis

-       Forming and balancing equations

End of tutoring test

선생님 : 임채린
옥스포드 의대 선생님 : Biology, Chemistry, (i)GCSE, A level, BBO, RSC 과외 경험과 Mentoring System을 통해서 의대 입시 BMAT, UCAT, Personal Statement, Interview 과정을 준비하는 학생들에게 도움을 주고 있습니다.