IB 심리 방학특강

Outcome : IB Psychology 방식으로 ‘심리’라는 과목에 접근하는 방법 이해하기,이해한 내용을 서술형 문답으로 풀어내는 방법 연습하기. 어떤 주제를 맞닥뜨려도 그에 걸맞는 에세이를 써낼 수 있도록 반복된 연습 실시,실제 사례들과 연관지어 이해하며 심리 과목에 대한 흥미 유도와 Critical Thinking Point 연습하기. 꾸준한 예습과 복습으로 과목의 이해도를 단단히하기, 참여가능 학생수 : 6 시간표 : 그루미 IB 방학 스케줄
위치 : 그루미 학원
기간 : 2020-7-25 2100-1-1
참여금액 :



  • IB Psychology 과정의 이해 (SL: paper 1, paper 2, IA) (HL: paper 1, paper 2, paper 3, IA) 
  • Psychology paper 1 에세이 시험의 주요 주제 Biological level of analysis, Cognitive level of analysis, Sociocultural level of analysis 예습을 통한 IB Psychology 내용 이해 향상 (여름 방학 4주 기간동안 한과목 반 가량을 선행)
  •  SAQ, ERQ essay 구조 배우기 및 essay 쓰기를 통해 꾸준한 paper 1 시험 대비 연습
  • 겨울 기간에는 IA 주제 선정 및 작성 방법 터득하기/ paper 1 내용 복습과 paper 2 내용 예습
  • IB Psychology paper 1 에세이 시험의 주요 주제 Biological level of analysis, Cognitive level of analysis, Sociocultural level of analysis 복습을 통한 내용 이해 향상 
  • IB Psychology paper 2 에세이 시험 대비 Abnormal Psychology 내용 예습 
  • SAQ, ERQ essay 구조 탄탄히 하기 및 application을 적용한 critical thinking point 받는 방법 연습하기
  • IA 주제 선정 및 작성 방법 터득하기 
  • 겨울 기간에는 paper 2 (Abnormal Psychology) 내용 예습/복습하기 (*IB Psychology는 학교 선생님 재량으로 배우는 순서가 천차만별이기에 어떤 학생에게는 예습, 어떤 학생에게는 복습으로 다가올 수 있음)
  • Paper 3 내용 예습 및 연습


수업 교재/ Teaching materials

1. 직접 작성한 IB Psychology 심리 노트를 통한 심리 case study 공부

2. Psychology IB guidlines Oxford 

3. Past papers



https://youtu.be/4JtvcUtzVV4 (6:00~14:00)





첫 째주


  • Introduction to IB Psychology curriculum
  • SAQ essay 구조 이해
  • BLOA ‘Neurotransmitter’ SAQ essay 


  • BLOA ‘Hormone’ SAQ essay 
  • Study two hormones and studies related to specific hormones


  • BLOA ‘Brain Localization Theory’ SAQ essay 
  • Learn how to evaluate a study (in preparation for ERQ)

* Weekly Test 1: Write an SAQ of the asked prompt (prompts chosen from the materials learned during the week)


  • Introduction to IB Psychology curriculum
  • SAQ essay 구조 이해
  • BLOA ‘Neurotransmitter’ SAQ essay 


  • BLOA ‘Hormone’ SAQ essay 
  • Study two hormones and studies related to specific hormones


  • BLOA ‘Brain Localization Theory’ SAQ essay 
  • Learn how to evaluate a study (in preparation for ERQ)

* Weekly Test 1: Write an SAQ of the asked prompt (prompts chosen from the materials learned during the week)

둘 째주


  • ERQ essay 구조 이해
  • BLOA ‘Genetics’ ERQ essay


  • BLOA ‘Brain Imaging Technique’ ERQ essay
  • Critical thinking introduction


  • BLOA ‘Interaction between Physiology and Cognition’ ERQ essay 

* Weekly Test 2: Write an ERQ outline of the asked prompt (prompts chosen from the materials learned during the week)


  • ERQ essay 구조 이해
  • BLOA ‘Genetics’ ERQ essay


  • BLOA ‘Brain Imaging Technique’ ERQ essay
  • Critical thinking introduction


  • BLOA ‘Evaluation’ ERQ essay 

* Weekly Test 2: Write an ERQ outline of the asked prompt (prompts chosen from the materials learned during the week)

셋 째주


  • BLOA ERQ on ‘Research Method’
  • Learn different types of ‘Research Method’ applied to study psychology


  • BLOA ERQ on ‘Ethical Consideration’
  • Learn ‘Ethical Consideration’ for various case studies


  • CLOA SAQ on ‘memory’
  • CLOA ERQ on ‘memory’ 

* Weekly Test 3: Write an SAQ and an ERQ outline of the asked prompts (prompts chosen from the materials learned during the week)


  • BLOA ERQ on ‘Research Method’
  • Learn different types of ‘Research Method’ applied to study psychology


  • BLOA ERQ on ‘Ethical Consideration’
  • Learn ‘Ethical Consideration’ for various case studies


  • CLOA SAQ on ‘memory’
  • CLOA ERQ on ‘memory’ 

* Weekly Test 3: Write an SAQ and an ERQ outline of the asked prompts (prompts chosen from the materials learned during the week)

넷 째주


  • CLOA ERQ on ‘Reliability of Memory’


  • CLOA ERQ on ‘Memory Model’
  • Learn different types of memory models and theories applied to study human memory system


  • CLOA ERQ on ‘Emotion’
  • Learn cognitive psychology concepts relevant to ‘Emotion’ such as ‘Flashbulb Memory’ 

* Weekly Test 4: Write an ERQ of the asked prompt (prompt chosen from the class material covered in the week)


  • CLOA ERQ on ‘Reliability of Memory’


  • CLOA ERQ on ‘Memory Model’
  • Learn different types of memory models and theories applied to study human memory system


  • CLOA ERQ on ‘Emotion’
  • Learn cognitive psychology concepts relevant to ‘Emotion’ such as ‘Flashbulb Memory’ 

* Weekly Test 4: Write an ERQ of the asked prompt (prompt chosen from the class material covered in the week)


첫 째주


  • SAQ 구조 복습
  • SCLOA ‘Social Cognitive Theory’ SAQ


  • SCLOA “Group Dynamics (social identity theory, situational and dispositional factors)” ERQ


  • SCLOA “Conformity” ERQ


  • SAQ 구조 복습
  • SCLOA ‘Social Cognitive Theory’ SAQ


  • SCLOA “Group Dynamics (social identity theory, situational and dispositional factors)” ERQ


  • SCLOA “Conformity” ERQ

둘 째주


  • IA Introduction 파해치기


  • IA Method/Design section 파해치기


  • IA Analysis section 파해치기


  • IA Introduction 파해치기


  • IA Method/Design section 파해치기


  • IA Analysis section 파해치기

셋 째주


  • Abnormal Psychology Introduction
  • ‘Concepts of Normality and Abnormality’ ERQ


  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Validity and Reliability of Diagnosis’ ERQ


  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Biochemical, Individual and Group Approaches to treatment’ ERQ
  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Eclectic Approach to treatment’ ERQ


  • Abnormal Psychology Introduction
  • ‘Concepts of Normality and Abnormality’ ERQ


  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Validity and Reliability of Diagnosis’ ERQ


  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Biochemical, Individual and Group Approaches to treatment’ ERQ
  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Eclectic Approach to treatment’ ERQ






첫 째주


  • SAQ essay 구조 복습 
  • SCLOA ‘Social Cognitive Theory’ SAQ 


  • SCLOA ‘SItuational and Dispositional Factors’ SAQ
  • SCLOA ‘Stereotype’ SAQ


  • SCLOA ‘Research Method’ ERQ
  • Learn different types of ‘Research Methods’ used to study psychology

* Weekly Test 1: SAQ important concepts and writing an SAQ of the given prompt (prompt chosen from the class material of the week)


  • SAQ essay 구조 복습 
  • SCLOA ‘Social Cognitive Theory’ SAQ 


  • SCLOA ‘SItuational and Dispositional Factors’ SAQ
  • SCLOA ‘Stereotype’ SAQ


  • SCLOA ‘Research Method’ ERQ
  • Learn different types of ‘Research Methods’ used to study psychology

* Weekly Test 1: SAQ important concepts and writing an SAQ of the given prompt (prompt chosen from the class material of the week)

둘 째주


  • SCLOA ‘Ethical Consideration’ ERQ
  • Learn different kinds of ‘Ethical Considerations’ applied to psychology


  • SCLOA ‘Social Identity Theory’ ERQ
  • Critical Thinking Application 연습


  • SCLOA ‘Conformity’ ERQ
  • Critical Thinking Application 연습

* Weekly Test 2: Write an ERQ of the asked prompt (prompt chosen from the class material of the week)


  • SCLOA ‘Ethical Consideration’ ERQ
  • Learn different kinds of ‘Ethical Considerations’ applied to psychology


  • SCLOA ‘Social Identity Theory’ ERQ
  • Critical Thinking Application 연습


  • SCLOA ‘Conformity’ ERQ
  • Critical Thinking Application 연습

* Weekly Test 2: Write an ERQ of the asked prompt (prompt chosen from the class material of the week)

셋 째주


  • IA format 배우기 


  • Abnormal Psychology Introduction 
  • ‘Concepts of Normality and Abnormality’ ERQ


  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Validity and Reliability of Diagnosis’ ERQ

* Weekly Test 3: Important Abnormal concepts and evaluating portion of given examplar IA 


  • IA format 배우기 


  • Abnormal Psychology Introduction 
  • ‘Concepts of Normality and Abnormality’ ERQ


  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Validity and Reliability of Diagnosis’ ERQ

* Weekly Test 3: Important Abnormal concepts and evaluating portion of given examplar IA 

넷 째주


  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Cultural and Ethical considerations’ ERQ
  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Cultural and Gender considerations’ ERQ


  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Biochemical, Individual and Group Approaches to treatment’ ERQ


  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Biochemical, Individual and Group Approaches to treatment’ ERQ
  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Eclectic Approach to treatment’ ERQ

* Weekly Test 4: ERQ on Abnormal Psychology 


  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Cultural and Ethical considerations’ ERQ
  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Cultural and Gender considerations’ ERQ


  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Biochemical, Individual and Group Approaches to treatment’ ERQ


  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Biochemical, Individual and Group Approaches to treatment’ ERQ
  • Abnormal Psychology ‘Eclectic Approach to treatment’ ERQ

* Weekly Test 4: ERQ on Abnormal Psychology 


첫 째주


  • ERQ essay 구조 복습
  • BLOA HL ‘Animal Research’ ERQ


  • CLOA HL ‘Cognitive Technology’ ERQ


  • SCLOA HL ‘The influence of Globalization on Individual Behavior’ ERQ


  • ERQ essay 구조 복습
  • BLOA review


  • CLOA review


  • SCLOA review

둘 째주


  • IA Introduction 파해치기


  • IA Method/Design section 파해치기


  • IA Analysis section 파해치기


  • IA Introduction 파해치기


  • IA Method/Design section 파해치기


  • IA Analysis section 파해치기

셋 째주


  • Paper 3 Introduction
  • Research Methods in Paper 3


  • Research Methods in Paper 3
  • Paper 3 example in class


  • Examine Paper 3 examples in class


  • Paper 3 Introduction
  • Research Methods in Paper 3


  • Research Methods in Paper 3
  • Paper 3 example in class


  • Examine Paper 3 examples in class



숙제는 당일 배운 내용에 대해 연습할 수 있는 30~60분 분량의 문제풀이 (숙제시간이 충분하지 않을 수 있는 학생들을 고려하여 

매주 진행 된 단원에 대해 1시간 분량의 모의시험이 진행됩니다.)


실력 테스트

*반 구분 용이 아닌 담당 선생님께서 미리 학생 실력을 파악하기 용도

DP1 SL/HL - https://goo.gl/forms/nwyXNdVE9iPNJnRq2 (공용)


선생님 : 강수민