DP1 |
DP2 |
수업 교재/ Teaching materials
1. 직접 작성한 IB Psychology 심리 노트를 통한 심리 case study 공부
2. Psychology IB guidlines Oxford
3. Past papers
https://youtu.be/4JtvcUtzVV4 (6:00~14:00)
DP1 |
HL |
SL |
여름 |
첫 째주 |
* Weekly Test 1: Write an SAQ of the asked prompt (prompts chosen from the materials learned during the week) |
* Weekly Test 1: Write an SAQ of the asked prompt (prompts chosen from the materials learned during the week) |
둘 째주 |
* Weekly Test 2: Write an ERQ outline of the asked prompt (prompts chosen from the materials learned during the week) |
* Weekly Test 2: Write an ERQ outline of the asked prompt (prompts chosen from the materials learned during the week) |
셋 째주 |
* Weekly Test 3: Write an SAQ and an ERQ outline of the asked prompts (prompts chosen from the materials learned during the week) |
* Weekly Test 3: Write an SAQ and an ERQ outline of the asked prompts (prompts chosen from the materials learned during the week) |
넷 째주 |
* Weekly Test 4: Write an ERQ of the asked prompt (prompt chosen from the class material covered in the week) |
* Weekly Test 4: Write an ERQ of the asked prompt (prompt chosen from the class material covered in the week) |
겨울 |
첫 째주 |
둘 째주 |
셋 째주 |
DP2 |
HL |
SL |
여름 |
첫 째주 |
* Weekly Test 1: SAQ important concepts and writing an SAQ of the given prompt (prompt chosen from the class material of the week) |
* Weekly Test 1: SAQ important concepts and writing an SAQ of the given prompt (prompt chosen from the class material of the week) |
둘 째주 |
* Weekly Test 2: Write an ERQ of the asked prompt (prompt chosen from the class material of the week) |
* Weekly Test 2: Write an ERQ of the asked prompt (prompt chosen from the class material of the week) |
셋 째주 |
* Weekly Test 3: Important Abnormal concepts and evaluating portion of given examplar IA |
* Weekly Test 3: Important Abnormal concepts and evaluating portion of given examplar IA |
넷 째주 |
* Weekly Test 4: ERQ on Abnormal Psychology |
* Weekly Test 4: ERQ on Abnormal Psychology |
겨울 |
첫 째주 |
둘 째주 |
셋 째주 |
숙제는 당일 배운 내용에 대해 연습할 수 있는 30~60분 분량의 문제풀이 (숙제시간이 충분하지 않을 수 있는 학생들을 고려하여
매주 진행 된 단원에 대해 1시간 분량의 모의시험이 진행됩니다.)
실력 테스트
*반 구분 용이 아닌 담당 선생님께서 미리 학생 실력을 파악하기 용도
DP1 SL/HL - https://goo.gl/forms/nwyXNdVE9iPNJnRq2 (공용)