Chemistry - DP2(특강수강생 복습용)

17.1.1 ICE Table


17.1.1 ICE Table (Question Review)


8.4.3 Titration Calculation


8.4.4 Titration Curve


8.4.5 Titration of Strong Acid & Strong Base


18.2.1 Titration of Weak acid - Strong base


18.2.1 Titration of Weak acid - Strong base (Question Review)


18.2.2 Titration of Strong acid - Weak base


18.2.2 Titration of Strong acid - Weak base (Question Review)


9.3.2 Voltaic Cell


9.3.3 Electrolytic Cell


19.2.1 Electrolysis of aqueous electrolyte


10.1.1 Nomenclature 1: Identifying Longest Carbon Chain Nomenclature 1: Identifying Longest Carbon Chain


10.1.2 Nomenclature 2: Identifying Main Functional Group


10.1.3 Nomenclature 3: Identifying Substituent Group


10.1.3 Nomenclature 3: Identifying Substituent Group (Question Review)


10.3.1 Alkane: Free Radical Substitution Reaction


10.3.2 Alkene: Addition Reaction


10.3.3 Alcohol: Oxidation Reaction


10.3.4 Halogenoalkane: Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction


10.3.5 Benzene: Electrophilic Substitution Reaction


10.3.6 Overall review of functional group chemistry


20.1.1 Halogenoalkane 1: Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction


20.1.2 Halogenoalkane 2: Rate of Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction


20.1.3 Alkene 1: Electrophilic Addition Reaction


20.1.4 Alkene 2: Markovnikov's Rule


20.1.5 Benzene: Electrophilic Substitution Reaction


20.1.6 Alcohol & Nitrobenzene: Reduction Reaction


20.1.7 Overall review of functional group chemistry


20.2.1 Synthetic Route


20.2.1 Synthetic Route (Question Review)


20.3.1 Geometrical Isomer 1: Cis & Trans Isomerism


20.3.2 Geometrical Isomer 2: E & Z Isomerism


20.3.3 Optical Isomer


6.1.1 Definition of Reaction Rate


6.1.2 Techniques for measuring Rates


6.2.1 Collision Theory


6.3.1 Factors affecting Rate


16.1.1 Rate Expression 1: Writing rate expression


16.1.2 Rate Expression 2: Determining Order of reactant


16.1.3 Rate Expression 3: Graphical Representation


16.2.1 Reaction Mechanism


16.2.2 Molecularity


16.2.3 Rate Determining Step


16.3.1 Calculation of Activation Energy


10.2.1 Homologous Series


10.2.1 Homologous Series (Question Review)


10.2.2 Structural Isomer


10.2.2 Structural Isomer (Question Review)


10.2.3 Classification of Species


10.2.3 Classification of Species (Question Review)


10.2.4 Types of Reaction, Bond Fission, Movement of electrons


10.2.5 Structure of Benzene (Kekule's Structure)


10.2.5 Structure of Benzene (Kekule's Structure) (Question Review)
