Physics - IB 화학 HL 문제풀이

1.1 Introduction to Chemistry


1.2 The Mole Concepts


1.3 Reacting Masses & Volumes


1. Stoichiometry (P1 Miscellaneous)


1. Stoichiometry (P2 Review)


2.1 The Nuclear Atom


2.2 Electron Configuration


2. Atomic Structure (P2 Review)


12.1 Electrons in Atoms


12. Atomic Structure (P2 Review)


3.1 Periodic Table


3.2 Periodic Trend


3. Periodicity (P2 Review)


13.1 Transition Metals


13.2 Coloured complexes


13. The Periodic Table - Transition Metals (P2 Review)


4.1 Ionic Bonding & Structures


4.2 Covalent Bonding


4.3 Covalent Structures


4.4 Intermolecular Forces


4.5 Metallic Bonding


4. Chemical Bonding and Structure (P2 Review)


14.1 Further aspects of covalent bonding and structure


14.2 Hybridization


14. Chemical bonding and structure (P2 Review)


5.1 Measure energy changes


5.2 Hess's Law


5.3 Bond enthalpies


5. Energetics (P2 Review)


15.1 Energy cycles


15.2 Entropy and spontaneity


15. Energetics/Thermochemistry (P2 Review)


6.1 Collision theory and rates of reaction


6. Chemical kinetics (P2 Review)


16.1 Rate Expression and Reaction Mechanism


16. Chemical kinetics (P2 Review)


7.1 Equilibrium


7.1 Equilibrium (P2 Review)


17.1 The Equilibrium Law


17. Equilibrium (P2 Review)


8.1 Theories of Acids & Bases


8.2~3 The pH Scale


8.4 Strong and Weak Acids & Bases


8.5 Acid deposition


8. Acids & Bases (P2 Review)


18.1 Lewis Acids and Bases


18.2 Calculations involving acids and bases


18.3 pH curves


18. Acids and Bases (P2 Review)


9.1 Oxidation & Reduction


9.2 Electrochemical cells


9. Redox Processes (P2 Review)


19.1 Electrochemical cells


19. Redox processes (P2 Review)


10.1 Fundamentals of organic chemistry


10.2 Functional Group Chemistry


10. Organic chemistry (P2 Review)


20.1 Types of organic reactions


20.2 Reaction pathways


20.3 Stereoisomerism


20. Organic chemistry (P2 Review)
