陈 逸然

陈逸然在2016年的时候从康复外国语学校毕业。她在那里完成了A-Level 数学,物理,化学和生物 的课程。 现在,陈逸然正在伦敦国王学院学习生物医学本科。 当我还在上高中时,我兼职去做了英语家教。我对于我学生的教育方法是,第一节课给他们做一个小测试,用来评估他们的水平,从而制定课程。课程主要大框是一起读英语小说并且在读完几短后讨论。每上几节课我会给他们留一篇作文,写写关于他们对于前几节课中所读的内容的理解。随后,我会去看作文,看语法错误,并且给出自己认为他们没有理解对地方。关于单词,每一个英语单词都有自己的性格,也由于他们的性格不一样所以用的方法也不一样,用错了会非常尴尬。非英语母语人群会发现这很难理解。为了解决这个问题我一般是让学生去背他们在读小说时遇到的生词。因为这样既可以让学生学习新的单词又可以让他们潜意识记住这个单词大概的性格是什么样的。同时因为我在美国生活了一些年所以,再加上我去给他们讲,他们就更能理解了。 起初我对于我的教学方法非常不自信,因为再怎么我也是个新手。但是后来发现我的学生居然都在跟着我上了几周课后,英语考试成绩有了很大提高。我才终于有自信,我的方法是对的,并且我有信心去教好我的下一个学生。 Yiran Chen has graduated from Camford Royal School in 2016. Where she completed her A-level study in mathematics, chemistry, physics and biology. She is currently studying Biomedical science BSc at King's College London. When I was still in college I had a part time job which was giving one to one English tutorial to some other college students. My class pattern normally starts with a small quiz where I evaluate the level of my student, then according to this result I design a teaching pattern specific to this one student. Apart from this, the basic structure of my classes were similar,reading English novels together, then carry on with some discussions after finishing some of the chapters. Moreover, writing homeworks will be given after taking a few classes, I would require my students to write about their own feelings based on the story and the characters. Then I would look through their writings, correcting any grammar or spelling errors at the same time giving my own suggestion on which part is capable to be improved. About vocabulary improving, every English word have their own characteristic. Word with same meaning might be expressed in different occasions just because the difference between their characteristics. Unfortunately, it might be pretty awkward when you use the wrong word in some occasions. People who are not native speaker might find this hard to digest, but I found a way to handle this. I used to let my students learn new words from the book they read, so by the time they learn the word they also have a basic feeling of the words' characteristic. What is more is that I myself lived in the states for several years so I will also explain the characteristci which then will helped them to understand better. Honestly, at the beginning I was pretty unsure how my pattern of teaching will develop on my students. But after a few weeks of teaching they all reported good news about getting higher marks in English test. Thanks for this I gain my confidence and now I am well prepared to handle my next student.

2014-2016 Home tutoring English for college students.