유 푸름
안녕하세요 11살때부터 홍콩에서 6년, 미국에서 4년 학교를 졸업 후 코넬대학교 호텔경영학과에 재학중인 남자 선생님입니다. 학교는 미국 시스템이며 거의 AP와 SAT2 Subject Test과정을 주로 공부했습니다.
Ricky has recently graduated Westtown High School, after getting accepted to the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University. I have attended a summer program at the Wharton School of Business (UPenn), and held a city wide social entrepreneurship competition in the city of Philadelphia for high school students. My main strengths in school were mathematics and economics, but English is also something that I feel confident in being able to teach at the Toefl level.
I strive for a friendly relationship with my mentee, as I will keep in touch with him/her even when I am done teaching to constantly give them advice on the college process.