노 서희
안녕하세요 저는 외국에서 태어나 쭉 영국 국제학교를 다니며 IGCSE, A level 시험들을 봤습니다. IGCSE는 수업과목 외 다른 과목 포함 총 열과목을 봐 전체 A* 의 좋은 성적을 거두었고요, A Level 또한 Economics, Chemistry, Mathematics 은 모두 A*, Further Mathematics 는 A 의 성적을 거두었습니다. 토플은 두달 독학을 통해 처음 본 시험에서 116점의 성적을 받았습니다.
영국의 Kings, UCL, Warwick 대학들의 합격 통지를 받았지만 경제적인 여건으로 현재 서울대학교 경제학부에 재학중입니다.
I grew up in Malaysia and have studied my whole academic life in a British International School. I have sat for 10 IGCSE exams, all of which I got A*s, and 4 A Level exams (including AS and A2). They were Economics, Mathematics, Chemistry (which I all got A*s) and Further Mathematics (A).
I sat for a TOEFL exam once last year, iBT, where I achieved 116 at my first try.
I have been accepted to prestigious schools in the UK including UCL, Kings and Warwick. Currently I am studying at Seoul National University, majoring in Economics.
I have several teaching experiences. I have taught a few Korean students back in Malaysia, some of them who were preparing for IGCSE exams, others just English.
I have always been and still am a very passionate student and a teacher. I would love to help students achieve the best they can.
IGCSE Business, Economics, Geography 수업 경력
영어 기본기 수업 경력
일반 국제학교 교과과정 수업 경력