이 윤지
Specialty: LNAT, Oxbridge law interview preparation, admissions consulting and general essay writing.
안녕하세요, 저는 Oxford University Undergraduate Law에 재학중인 이윤지 입니다.
저는 LNAT 지도, 영국 법대 입시 멘토링, 그리고 영어논술 (essay writing) 지도를 전문으로 하고 있습니다.
입시를 치룬지 오래되지 않은 제 경험과 노하우를 살려 Oxbridge interview, UCAS personal statement, LNAT 등의 방면에서 영국 법대 입시에 도움을 드리겠습니다.
또, 저는 학생들이 대학 입학 이후에도 장기적으로 유용하게 쓸 수 있는 에세이 쓰기 방법을 지도합니다. 종종 한국 학생들이 외국 대학에 입학 이후에 뛰어난 성적을 거두지 못하는 이유에는 영미권 대학은 대부분 essay writing이 위주인데 반해 한국 학생들은 국내 교육과정의 특성상 essay writing skill이 부족하기 때문입니다. 특히 법대에서는 원서, 판결문, 학술지 등을 읽은 이후 주어진 문제에 장문의 논술형 답안을 제출하는 방식으로 수업을 진행하기 때문에 효과적인 독해 및 서술 능력이 매우 필수적입니다.
Credentials and Academic achievement:
- Top scores in Singapore-Cambridge A-levels (H2 Economics: A, H2 English Literature: A, H2 History: A, H3 History: Merit)(***please note that A is the highest grade obtainable in the Singapore A-levels grading system.)
- Successful admissions to top 4 law undergraduate courses in the United Kingdom -- Oxford University, Durham University, University College London and Queen Mary University of London.
- LNAT raw score 32 (28 being the unofficial requirement for Law at Oxford).
- Achieved overall Upper Second on first-year University Public Examination (Law Moderations).
Teaching subjects:
- Guidance in UCAS personal statement
- Oxbridge Law interview skills and mock academic interview
- General essay-writing skills
- IELTS (all subjects)
My credentials are fit for teaching UK university applicants. I can help students with UCAS application; LNAT; and Oxbridge interview. I have developed a personal know-how in university applications, as I managed to gain admissions to all these universities with no private tuition whatsoever. Being a law student at Oxford University, I write essays on a daily basis. I can impart essay-writing skills to students, which will help them not only in university (extremely useful both in the US and the UK), but also later in their career. Lack of essay writing skills has been pointed out as one of the key weaknesses of Korean students in overseas universities. Particularly for students wishing to read law at an overseas university, being able to produce high-quality written work in a short period of time is absolutely fundamental to your degree.